Monday, January 16, 2012

Rasputin Speaks: 1.16.12

Dearest and most illustrious Ask Rasputin correspondents,
There's a guy from my hometown who has taken me out and we hang out a lot. The problem is he's not interested in me and I'm not interested in him either. My question is what is the best way to start a relationship with this person?
-Holly Towne

Dear Ms. Towne,

We first wish to thank you for your email and the brief discussion of your intense feelings for wombats therein (excerpt available at We agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the wombat's utility to humankind. 

As per your question, it is a very interesting one. We here at Ask Rasputin have concluded that the foremost way to approach a romantic relationship with someone for whom you feel a mutually shared disinterest is to not approach a romantic relationship with said individual.

We wish you the very best of luck in not pursuing romantic relationships with your acquaintances and friends.

Kindest Regards,
The Ask Rasputin Team


  1. Interesting... who would've thought that it was a bad idea to pursue a romantic relationship with someone you are not interested in. Thank you so much Rasputin!!! Your advice has changed my life forever.

  2. don't fight destiny, ms towne. let it happen.
